Broadcaster - Voicever Artist - Multimedia Producer - Documentarian

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Posts in On Camera Work
Author Interview with Matthew Delmont about “Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad”

Distinguished Professor of History at Dartmouth College, Dr. Matthew Delmont, has researched and penned his fifth book, “Half American: The Epic Story of African Americans Fighting World War II at Home and Abroad”. In this interview, he talks with Rod Milam about the book and his research process.

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Kathy Gilsinan Author Interview - "The Helpers: Profiles from the Front Lines of the Pandemic"

Writer and journalist for “The Atlantic” and “Politico”, Kathy Gilsinan, has penned a reminder of the first year or so of the COVID-19 pandemic as seen in the United States. Her book, “The Helpers: Profiles from the Front Lines of the Pandemic” tells that story via the accounts of six people that she feels went above and beyond the call of duty to try to aid their neighbors, the country and the world during an unprecedentedly difficult time in the nation’s history.

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Robert Child Author Interview - "Immortal Valor: The Black Medal of Honor Winners of World War II"

Here’s my January 2022 interview with Robert Child, author of the book “Immortal Valor: The Black Medal of Honor Winners of World War II”. In this book, he tells the incredible tales of the only 7 Black men that were awarded this highest US military honor…and were only given it in 1997 after intense investigation since it was found that there was an unofficial ban on letting any Black soldier get the award by the Department of Defense.

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Host of the 2022 St. Louis Theater Circle Awards

For the second time during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was asked to host an online version St. Louis Theater Circle Awards via HEC Media. This year, the 2022 St. Louis Theater Circle Awards honors outstanding achievements in locally produced professional theater in the years 2020 and 2021. Approximately 75 productions are being recognized in over 30 award categories.

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