Broadcaster - Voicever Artist - Multimedia Producer - Documentarian

Broadcast Blog

Posts in Event Hosting
Conversation with NPR's Brian Mann: “Inside Covering the War in Ukraine”

On Tuesday, December 13, 2022) at 7pm Central Standard Time (8pm Eastern / 1am GMT), I’ll be hosting a conversation on Zoom with NPR’s Brian Mann about his time in Ukraine reporting on the war there against Russia.  The talk, “Inside Covering the War in Ukraine”, is due to cover Brian’s time on the front lines from the Ukrainian side and what he saw behind the lines as the bombing and killing accelerated.

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Upcoming Live Hosting/Announcing: University of Missouri - St. Louis Spring 2022 Commencement Services

I’ve been asked to be an announcer and reader of names for the Spring 2022 Commencement Services for my alma mater, the University of Missouri - St. Louis over the weekend of May 14th & 15th. Looks like I’ll be getting dressed up in academic regalia and trying to minimize the butchering the names of newly minted graduates!

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Host of the 2022 St. Louis Theater Circle Awards

For the second time during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was asked to host an online version St. Louis Theater Circle Awards via HEC Media. This year, the 2022 St. Louis Theater Circle Awards honors outstanding achievements in locally produced professional theater in the years 2020 and 2021. Approximately 75 productions are being recognized in over 30 award categories.

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