Broadcaster - Voicever Artist - Multimedia Producer - Documentarian

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Host of the 2022 St. Louis Theater Circle Awards

For the second time during the COVID-19 pandemic, I was asked to host an online version St. Louis Theater Circle Awards via HEC Media, and here's that video.

The first time I hosted was in April of 2020 when all was still very uncertain with how the virus spread. So the Theater Circle had to quickly decide to try to do an online version of their, normally, live, in-person show/gala. Since I was a producer on the big, local theater review show "Two on the Aisle" at HEC Media, they came to our team to put it all together.  Our crew did a great job with almost no notice, and we were even up for a Mid-American Emmy for our work.

Because the pandemic was still raging and there'd been almost no theater productions in 2021, there was no awards ceremony for that year.

But the 2022 St. Louis Theater Circle Awards honors outstanding achievements in locally produced professional theater in the years 2020 and 2021.  Approximately 75 productions are being recognized in over 30 award categories. So feel free to check out this presentation of a celebration of the return to theater for the St. Louis area after the 2020 coronavirus outbreak.

Thanks to the members of the St. Louis Theater Circle that invited me back to host. They include Steve Allen (; Mark Bretz (Ladue News); Bob Cohn (St. Louis Jewish Light); Tina Farmer (KDHX); Michelle Kenyon (; Gerry Kowarsky (Two on the Aisle, HEC Media); Chuck Lavazzi (KDHX); Rob Levy (; Judith Newmark (; Ann Lemons Pollack (; Lynn Venhaus (; Bob Wilcox (Two on the Aisle, HEC Media); and Calvin Wilson (St. Louis Post-Dispatch). Eleanor Mullin, local performer and arts supporter, is group administrator.