Broadcaster - Voicever Artist - Multimedia Producer - Documentarian

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Upcoming Live Hosting/Announcing: University of Missouri - St. Louis Spring 2022 Commencement Services

I’ve been asked to be an announcer and reader of names for the Spring 2022 Commencement Services for my alma mater, the University of Missouri - St. Louis over the weekend of May 14th & 15th. I’ll be splitting the duties on one of those days with my St. Louis Public Radio colleague, Health Reporter Sarah Fentem, at the university’s main campus.

Looks like I’ll be getting dressed up in academic regalia and trying to minimize the butchering of the names of newly minted graduates in the footsteps of my former University City High School homeroom teacher and forearm KWMU colleague Bob McCabe. ***NERD ALERT*** Since I “only” have my Bachelors degree, I guess I’ll look like Ensign Krusher with my lowly adornments next to all the Masters and PhD holders on the dais, but I think I’ll survive the experience.

I’m looking forward to the preparation for this and will certainly be putting some of my dorky Duolingo study to real world use, live and in-person. I won’t be in the studio for this with plenty of opportunities for retakes. Going with no net on this one…my kind of deal. Let’s go!!! I’ll post more after the event happens.

I guess it’s not the first time that my voice will be used to mention students at the university. Earlier this year, I did some voiceover work for a set of city wide radio spots that have been going for the past several months. I’ll post links to the commercials in the coming weeks.